In my presentation, I share a key tool I created to help analyze what meaning means to YOU, and how you can take tiny steps towards it. I’ve put a lot of love, soul-searching and energy into this, and I really hope it’s useful to you – it’s been very helpful for me to revisit this territory too, as meaning is never a one-and-done kind of thing… in fact, it’s a lifelong quest and is absolutely at the core of what it means to be human – whether we are childless or not.
[Watch free] ‘What Does Meaning Mean to You?’: Jody Day in conversation with Katy Seppi at the 2023 Childless Collective Summit
And if you haven’t already RSVP’d, do check out the two free webinars I’m hosting in December – one on ‘Reclaiming Your Childless Festive Season‘ on Friday 8th December and the December Solstice Session of ‘Fireside Wisdom with Childless Elderwomen’ on Wednesday 20th December: both are free, live and recorded and if you register, I’ll sent out the recording the following day by email.
Hugs, Jody x
Today is Day 3 of the amazing Childless Collective Summit and I’m looking forward to your feedback on my talk, which is scheduled to go live today at 3pm UK / 10am Eastern time (as do all the other talks for Day 3 of the Summit). So far, the talks and presentations (there are 36 of them!) have been amazing, and there are also live sessions and an online popup group for those people who are seeking more connection. Register free here.