Read Jody's 'Gateway Elderwomen' Substack 'Bestseller' Newsletter here.
Follow the project on Instagram @ApprenticeCrone
Join/Access Jody's 'Childless Elderwomen' subgroup hosted within the Childless Collective Online Community
Join Jody's mailing list to be notified about future Fireside Wisdom sessions and free events, news & workshops.
Who are the NomoCrones? Click here!

[Above] December 2024's 'Solo Elderhood' webinar. To access all panellist and resource links click here.
[Above: September 2024's special session for World Childless Week 2024. To access all panellist and resource links click here.
[Above] For June 2024's session, we focused on the topic of 'Courageous Conversations': how to have them; what to expect from them and how to recover from them. Click the video above or this link to watch, and find details of all the panellists, and the resource sheet mentioned, here

[Above] For March 2024's session, we focused on the topic of 'Caring for the Caregiver' and explored both giving and receiving care, as well as the anxieties about who will be there to care for us when we are old. Click the video above to watch, and find details of all the panellists, and the resource sheet mentioned, here
[Above] For December’s session, we gathered around the Zoom Fire to unpack ‘The Power of the Role Model’ for those of us ageing without children. Who are they? Where the heck are they? How do we find them? How do we become them? And why is all this so important?! To see the result of the poll on the role models YOU all nominated, and to find full details of the panellists and their links, click here.
[Above] Watch September 2023's World Childless Week special edition of Fireside Wisdom Session onas we unpack and push back against the 'You're So Lucky to Not Have Kids!' comment. Full panellist details, Jody's Eldering Reading List and links here.
[Above] Watch June 2023's Solstice Fireside Wisdom Session on what it means to be/become a 'Radical Old Woman'. Full panellist details, resource slides and links here
[Above] Watch March 2023's Equinox Fireside Wisdom Session on the fiery topic of 'Mothers & Daugherss'. Full panellist details, resource slides and links here
[Above] Watch December 2022's Solstice Fireside Wisdom Session on the topic of 'Renewal.' Full panellist details, resource slides and links here
[Above] Watch September 2022's Fireside Wisdom Session "Letters to our Younger Selves" for World Childless Week 2022. Full panel details and links here
[Above] Watch March 2022's Equinox Session of Fireside Wisdom:‘Childless vs. Childfree: A false binary that ageing without children subverts?’ Full panel details and links here

[Above] Watch December 2021's Fireside Wisdom Session on 'Spiritual Malnutrition'. Info and full panelist deatils here.
[Above] Watch September 2021's World Childless Week edition of 'Fireside Wisdom with Childless Elderwomen' on 'Leaving a Legacy'.
[Above] Watch June 2021's Fireside Wisdom session on how the liminal in-betweeny time of being partly in and partly out of the pandemic has much in common with the experience of other things we’ve been through. And how the tools we learned from our childlessness (and other griefs) can be helpful to draw upon in these times
[Above] Watch March 2021's Fireside Wisdom session for our usual blend of taboo-busting, truth-telling, wisdom and laughter!
[Above] Watch December 2020's Fireside Wisdom session for 90-mins of truth-telling wisdom, laughter and fireside tales to close the year.
[Above] To watch the video and/or read the transcript click here To find out more about the 'Ageing Without Children' themed day of World Childless Week, click here
To hear about future #NomoCrone webinars when they are announced, click here.