Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Future Without Children
(2nd edition, 2020. UK: Bluebird/PanMacmillan)
Fully revised with a new introduction and significant additional content in Chapters 4 and 12.

Download a free sample of the introduction and chapter 1 here.
UK bookshop and online order links here.
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Some of the fifty professional endorsements inside the front and back covers of the 2nd edition (2020).

Some reader reviews from the 400+ positive reviews (78% of them 5 stars!) on,,,,


To download a PDF of the "Healing Inventory" from the book, click here
To download a PDF of the “Healing Inventory” from the book, click here
 Click here to download a PDF copy of the ‘Healing Inventory’ (above)Click here to download a copy of the ‘Meaning Map’ (above)

5 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Happy Childless Birthday! | Gateway Women
  2. Self-care and other gremlins | Gateway Women
  3. 50 Ways Not To Be A Mother – with apologies to Paul Simon… | Gateway Women
  4. hot off the press | thebitterbabe
  5. Be part of the conversation that ends the taboo of childlessness | Gateway Women

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