Why is there a taboo around childless women?

WOW taboo childess

Today, to start the debate that will take place next Saturday at WOW (Women of the World Festival) on the Southbank (London), the WOW website has posted a question:
Why is there a taboo around childless women?… 

The answers are going to be projected 50ft high on the side of the Royal Festival Hall this evening! If you’d like your voice to be heard (doesn’t have to include your name) in letters 50′ high opposite the Houses of Parliament – click here!

Let’s end the cultural invisibility around being childless or childfree.

Wherever you are in the world, please add your voice. This is a conversation that needs to be had.


And if you’re in the UK – please come and join in the debate live during the Gateway Women panel and talk at WOW 2013 on 9th and 10th March.

Thank you

Jody x

3 Comments on Why is there a taboo around childless women?

  1. Sometimes I think Mothers may think they are in a “special category” as they are are above the childless…they talk not only about their children but the entire process during pregnancy and childbirth…we are all women..don’t leave others out of the conversation..

  2. Me again. I postd something about it bring women’s Day today on Facebook. I waited for contributions from my feminist friends.
    And all the reactions I got were either simply dumb or mommy-related!!! Hello? It’s women’s Day not mother’s Day??!!

  3. I don’t know ‘why’ (or starting to explain would Take far too much space here) but society sure needs to get over it!

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  1. Childless Woman Taboo - Why No Kids?

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