[Watch/Read now] Jody’s new TED talk, ‘Social Plankton: Why Single Non-Mothers Are The Fuel of The Future’


This talk is currently only available to watch on Facebook here whilst it is being uploaded to TED.com You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch. The talk is 13 mins long, followed by a 45min Q&A.

My new TED talk with TEDxGateway is now live and available to watch. I wrote it to explore the negative bias against single non-mothers (both childless and childfree).

Covering a broad sweep across depth psychology, fairy tales, modern media stereotypes and individual lived experiences, it will encourage you to open your eyes, your heart, your organizations and your communities to the gifts and challenges that this fast-growing cohort of modern women embody. Presented with humour, empathy and data by the globally recognized thought-leader on childlessness – psychotherapist, author and founder of Gateway Women, Jody Day, this talk is aimed directly at one of your blind spots!

It includes 5 calls to action for parents, DEIB teams, politicians, policymakers, governments, climate and social justice moments, anti-ageism activists and those concerned about ageing populations and demographics.

You can download a full PDF transcript of the talk, including footnotes here.

My talk is followed by a 45-min discussion about some of the issues raised by my talk, and a list of recommended books, newsletters, articles, and podcasts about single non-mothers. Here are the ones I mention:

Academic paper:

Online Communities
  • Lighthouse Women (the new name for the Gateway Women Online Community) has members from all over the world and has a subgroup for unpartnered childless members which is 200+ strong.




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