Thank you for your subscription to the Gateway Women Membership Community

Thank you for setting up your paid subscription to the Gateway Women Membership Community on MightyNetworks and for contributing to our work supporting, inspiring and empowering childless women like you. Your subscription also supports our media and outreach efforts to change the way childless women are perceived and treated, and keeps GW independent of advertising and sponsorship.

You can manage your paid subscription via our Chargebee subscription portal including cancelling it (please don’t leave us because you’re struggling financially – we can help – read the paragraph below), move between monthly/annual plans, update your card details, etc.

You can log in to our community directly at

If you have any problems accessing the GW MightyNetworks Community, please email us at and either Karin or Melanie will get back to you, Monday to Saturday.

You can also message us privately, directly from within the GW MightyNetworks Community by clicking on these links:

If at any time in your membership the membership fee is a struggle for you, please let us know and we’d be happy to offer you a payment holiday and/or a reduced subscription.  We are not a wealthy organization – over 50% of our members are on free subscriptions and we receive no private or institutional funding; our membership fees are what enable us to support our members individually and to continue our outreach work to change the way society perceives and treats childless women.

We look forward to continuing to support you and inspire you in the Gateway Women Online Community and to make sure that your voice is part of the story of what it means to be a 21st-century woman

Hugs & thanks
Jody & Karin x
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