Best blogs for childless women

Recommended blogs on coming to terms with childlessness not by choice (in alphabetical order)

  • Childless by Marriage (US) Writer and musician Sue Fagalde Lick’s book and blog about life as a childless stepmother and now as a childless widow living on her own. One of the very few 60+ voices writing publicly about childlessness.
  • Can I Do It Alone? (US) Sue Fagalde Lick’s Substack about being in her 70s and living and ageing alone without children.
  • Embodied Possibility (Canada)  Really beautiful and useful reflections & resources for the childless-not-by-choice community from Sarah Jane – a yoga, health, grief & life coach for childless women.
  • Femme Sans Enfant (Canada) In both French and English, this award-winning childless/childfree site created by Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle has a wealth of resources, blogs, articles and video interviews to explore.
  • Finding My Plan B (UK): Yvonne John writes about infertility, childlessness and faith from a Black British woman’s perspective. Yvonne is also a trained Gateway Women workshop facilitator and a gifted public speaker.
  • From Forty With Love (UK) A blog by British journalist and coach Katherine Baldwin about her journey from turning 40 single & still hopeful of having a family to working through her ambivalence, finding love (with a man who didn’t want children), getting married in her late forties and coming to terms with her childlessness.
  • Gateway Elderwomen (UK/Ireland) Jody Day’s Substack exploring the unchartered territory of elderhood without motherhood.
  • Grief is the Word (UK) Covering the grief of social infertility (childless due to not finding a partner) as well as climate grief and extinction grief, this beautifully written anonymous blog by a childless woman I know is raw, poetic and incredibly powerful.
  • Heal Yourself Yoga (US) Childless yoga teacher Jessica Desai’s resource-rich blog on using yoga to heal from the trauma of infertility and redefine your womanhood as a childless woman. She does also support women going through infertility treatments using yoga, but that’s not the main focus of her blog.
  • Infertility Honesty (US) Sarah Chamberlains funny, wry, honest and powerful blog about her life after infertility.
  • It’s Inconceivable (UK)  Life and growing older as a childless woman after pregnancy losses and infertility treatments. Excellent social commentary.
  • La Vida Sin Hijos (Spain) Gloria Labay is a childless midwife from Barcelona and blogs in Spanish.
  • Married & Childless (AUS) Micheal and Vickie Hughes on life as a childless couple.
  • Meriel Whale Counselling (UK)  Meriel is a British counsellor who specializes in counselling the involuntarily childless. A gifted and tender writer, Meriel self-identifies as LGBTQIA+ and this is one of the rare blogs about childlessness that includes this perspective, amongst others.
  • No Kidding (NZ) Linda Rooney’s been blogging about life after infertility since 2010 and is a rare older voice and the only one I know in New Zealand.
  • Not So Mommy (US) Brandi Lyttle’s Christian-infused take on life after childlessness as a couple and enthusiastic ‘dog mom’.
  • Not Writing But Blogging (UK) Stella Duffy OBE is an author, actor and the co-founder of Fun Palaces. In her blog, she regularly touches on her and her wife’s childlessness due to cancer and infertility.
  • Peace & Joy Again. (CA) Susan in Ontario, Canada writes about her experience as an involuntarily childless woman in Canada where there is still a great deal of silence and no support around this issue other than a couple of Gateway Women Meetups.
  • Saltwater & Honey (UK) Funny and frank stories about infertility, miscarriage, childlessness and Christian faith.
  • Savvy Auntie (US)  Melanie Notkin, the dynamic founder of and now in her mid-50s writes has written movingly for the Huffington Post over the last decade as she’s journeyed through her 40s childless due to not having a partner, and sometimes about how this fits with her Jewish faith.
  • Silent Sorority (US) Pamela Tsingdinos’s blog was one of the very first I found and her sane, compassionate and wry voice gave me hope that life after infertility was indeed possible. She has since become a powerful voice speaking out in print and in public about the dubious practices to be found in the unregulated US ‘ART’ industry (assisted reproduction technology).
  • The Not Mom (US) Writing about both childless and childfree women in an intersectional way, this is one of the rare places online that includes the childless experience of women of color.
  • The Road Less Travelled (CA) Lori writes about life twenty years on after the stillbirth of her daughter. One of the stalwart ‘old-timers’ of the infertility blogosphere and with the wisdom to prove it.
  • World Childless Week (Global) Each year collects a selection of stories and entries from around the world on themes for each day of the week.
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