Jody Day & Gateway Women in the Media
For podcast interviews click here
To contact Jody for an interview or quote click here.

Nicola Foster for ‘The I’. 14 Dec 2023. (behind paywall; click here to read text)

Stephen Jardine Show, BBC Radio Scotland, 6 July 2022 (listen again expired)

Jody Day featured on LBC Radio 4th July 2022
Jody Day talks with Sangita Myska on LBC Radio in response to Paul Morland’s article ‘Should We Tax the Childless’ featured in The Sunday Times on 3rd July 2022 (available on catch up for 6 days after airing, Jody’s segment begins at 1hr 21 mins in).
Southern Star – 5th April 2022
‘Breaking the Silence of Childlessness’ by Emma Connolly

Documentary on Newstalk – January 2022
‘Childless’ by Hilary Fennell
Irish Independent – 16 January 2022
‘I learned that shame is what keeps the taboo alive today’ – tackling the stigma of childlessness
The Guardian – 13 October 2021
‘It is devastating’: the millenials who would love to have kids – but can’t afford a family
Article by Anne Lora Scagluisi for Vanity Fair, 30 August 2021
BBC Radio London – 15 August 2021
Jody Day interviewed by Sangita Myska on ‘Menopause and Lunch Corner’
Interview starts at 02:20:07 for 8 mins
Tutum Journal, Issue 2, Summer 2021
‘Reframing Old Attitudes to Old Age Without Children’ by Jody Day
Breakfast TVNZ – 29 April 2021
‘Shining a Light on Infertility’
Sensitive Evolution – 9 April 2021
‘Letting Go Of Certainty’ by Jody Day
The Times – 29 March 2021
‘My sister hasn’t been able to have children and lives in an obsessively controlled time warp’ (pdf)
The Telegraph – 14 March 2021
‘What 10 years of listening to childless women has taught me’ by Jody Day
Psychology Today – 10 January 2021
‘A Fireside Chat with Childless Elder Women’ by Kate Kaufmann
HuffPost – 14 December 2020
‘How Christmas Feels Different for Single People in 2020’
The Psychologist – 12 October 2020
Dr Petra Boyton’s article recommends
Gateway Women as a support option for those childless after babyloss. 
The Guardian – 3 September 2020 (quoted several times)
Jody Day interviewed by Jane Garvey on Woman’s Hour, 18 August 2020 (starts at 25mins)
Sensitive Evolution January 2020:
‘Grief: The Undervalued HSP Superpower’
The Telegraph – December 2019:
‘My grief over never having children hurts more than the death of my parents’
Cheshire Live November 2019:
‘Chester Storyhouse event exploring childless life hailed a triumph’
Crunchy Tales – November 2019:
‘Childless by circumstance: how to find meaning outside of motherhood’
The Mail – November 2019:
‘As Goldman Sachs offers fertility treatment as a perk…
should employers help staff freeze their eggs?’
The Telegraph – November 2019:
‘Why I don’t regret not having children’
France 24: The 51% August 2019:
‘Mum’s not the word: Why childless women are stigmatised’
Stuff (New Zealand) January 2019:
‘Women childless by circumstance shamed and misunderstood’ 
The Telegraph – January 2019:
‘I don’t regret my abortion even though I never became a mother’
Metro November 2018:
‘Can you get over not having children when you really wanted to have children’
Positive.News – September 2018:
‘Accepting life without children’ 
Grazia – August 2018:
‘Can We Stop Making Motherhood the Defining Feature of a Woman’s Existence’
The Huffington Post – April 2018:
‘The Fear of Childlessness Not By Choice’
Kate on Thin Ice – March 2018
Tackling the isolation of Infertility – walking in our shoes’
The Guardian – March 2018
‘From older mums to the happily childless: what does Mother’s Day mean today’
The Childless Life – November 2017
‘The Day that changed the world’
Tommy’s guest blog – July 2017
‘Childlessness After Miscarriage: the Untold Story’
TEDxHull March 2017
The Lost Tribe of Childless Women
[above] March 2017: Jody Day ‘The Lost Tribe of Childless Women’ TEDxHull 2017
The British Medical Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health – July 2016, Vol. 42, Edition 3. Book review by Susan Quilliam of Jody Day’s ‘Living the Life Unexpected’

The Jewish Chronicle (UK), Thursday 14th July 2016
‘Don’t judge us for being childless’ Sarah Bronzite
The Telegraph (UK), Saturday 18th June 2016
‘The One Show’s Alex Jones on facing the truth about her fertility’ India Sturgis
THE TELEGRAPH (UK), Friday 27th May 2016
‘Having IVF eleven times made me feel ashamed, delusional and terribly lonely’ Jessica Hepburn
BICA (UK), Spring 2016 Journal of Fertility Counselling
STYLIST (UK), May 2016 ‘Never mind your hormones,finances or career – it’s friendships that are at risk when you have a baby
THE BAY OF PLENTY TIMES (AUS), Tuesday 3rd May 2016 ‘Inside Story: Living Childfree’ Gerri Peev

Life Without Baby Monday 18th April 2016 ‘Living the Life Unexpected: A Conversation with Jody Day’ Lisa Manterfield
RED Magazine (UK), April 2016 issue: “I’m Finally Happy Not to be a Mother” by Jody Day (p.211-212)

RADIO 4 (UK), Sunday 6th March 2016 ‘Alone and Together’ Sunday Worship Mothering Sunday
THE DAILY MAIL (UK), Sunday 6th March 2016 ‘Give childless women an ‘Aunties Day’, says MP Liz Kendall’ Gerri Peev
THE DAILY MAIL VIDEO (UK), Sunday 6th March 2016 Blogger Jody Day opens up about ‘denial’ over childlessness
THE DAILY MAIL (UK) Sunday 6th March 2016 ‘Forget mums and celebrate the genuine stars… aunties!’ Liz Jones
BBC RADIO LONDON (UK), Friday 4th March 2016 The Jo Good Show

RED MAGAZINE (UK), Wednesday 2nd March 2016 ‘What Mother’s day feels like when you’re childless’ Brigid Moss
THE INDEPENDENT (UK), Sunday 28th February 2016 ‘Why being a childless woman is rarely a simple case of choice or infertility’
Fertility Matters, by Kate Brian: Saturday 27th February 2016 ‘Great New Book by Jody Day’
THE INDEPENDENT (UK), Friday 26th February 2016 ‘As the stars line up to thank their mums at the Oscars, spare a thought for the childless woman’ Janet Street Porter
The Tablet (The International Catholic News Weekly), Thursday 25th February 2016: ‘The notion of one soulmate is at the root of a lot of dissatisfaction in our world’ by Joanna Moorhead
THE TIMES (UK), Monday 22nd February 2016 ‘Mothers assume childless women have white sofas and loads of money’ by Stephanie Marsh
THE DAILY MAIL (UK), Sunday 21st February 2016 ‘The clock was ticking, and I didn’t realise that it had probably stopped for me’: One woman’s story of childlessness in a ‘mummy-mad’ world by Liz Hoggard
BBC RADIO 4 (UK), Women’s Hour, Thursday 18th February 2016 Jody Day interviewed on the Facebook ‘motherhood challenge’ and the fetishism of motherhood
BBC RADIO SCOTLAND (UK), The Kaye Adams Programme, Thursday 4th February 2016 (segment starts at 2 hrs 14min) Jody Day interviewed on ‘Grandchild Hunger’ the domino affect childless couples have on their own parents
U.S. CATHOLIC (US), 5th FEBRUARY 2016 Women Full of Grace
MASHABLE, FEBRUARY 2016 The Facebook ‘motherhood challenge’ leaves out a lot of people
TELEGRAPH (UK) 16th January 2016 The generation who may never be grandparents
ES MAGAZINE (UK) 15th January 2016 ‘If all else fails take a nap’ Jody Day
ALICIA ORRE, NOVEMBER 2015 ‘My miscarriage story: finding happiness in childlessness’ by Alicia Orre

CHURCH TIMES (UK), 1st May, 2015 ‘Health: Blessed, but not with a Child’ by Rachel Giles

BBC RADIO 4 (UK), ‘Woman’s Hour’, Monday 26th January 2015 Jody Day interviewed on the inaugural ‘Ageing Without Children Conference’

BBC BREAKFAST TIME TV (UK), 14th January 2015 Jody Day, Kirsty Woodard & Robin Hadley of on ‘Ageing Without Children’

SUNDAY (NZ), Sunday 14th December, 2014 “Jody Day has accepted being childless in a motherhood-mad world” by Yvonne Van Dongen

THE DAILY EXPRESS (UK), Thursday 4th September, 2014 “I’ve learned to accept my childlessness – why can’t you?” by Amanda Revell Walton

The Culture for Bioethics and Culture Network (USA), 2nd September 2014 “The Other Option: To Remain Childless?” by Christopher White

THE INDEPENDENT (UK), Thursday 28th August, 2014 “Like Jennifer Aniston, I am no less of a woman because I am childless” by Rachael Lloyd

BBC RADIO 4 (UK), Friday 15th August 2014 ‘A Family Without A Child’ radio documentary

BBC NEWS WEBSITE (GLOBAL), Friday 15th August 2014 ‘When Childless Isn’t A Choice’ by Sangita Myska

MAIL ONLINE (THE DAILY MAIL) UK, 15th August 2014 Helen Burke speaks of her Plan B for a life after infertility and failed IVF by Caroline McGuire

THE TELEGRAPH (UK) ONLINE, 15TH AUGUST 2014 ‘Why, aged 40, I’m finally happy to be a NoMo (that’a a Not Mother)’ by Rachael Lloyd

GOOD HOUSEKEEPING (UK), JUNE 2014 ISSUE ‘Inspiring Women’ feature

THE INDEPENDENT (EIRE), 26th JUNE 2014 “Facebook is ‘self-harm’ for childless women”

UK WOMEN MAGAZINE (DORSET), MAY 2014 ISSUE ‘Take 3’ Inspiring Women feature

THE SUNDAY TIMES, 27th APRIL 2014 Gateway Women mentioned in Sarah Kate Templeton’s interview with Sally Cheshire, new Chairwoman of the UK’s HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority)

THE TIMES, 24th APRIL 2014 Jody Day quoted in Rosemary Bennett’s piece on new report that shows the the UK has the third highest rate of childlessness in the OECD

FRANCE 24 TV – THE 51% SHOW Annette Young interviews Jody Day on this show about ‘the women who are changing our world’

THE GUARDIAN, 2nd APRIL 2014 Anne Perkins responds to Jody Day’s “Today Programme” Interview
BBC RADIO 4 “THE TODAY PROGRAMME” 2nd APRIL 2014 Jody Day 4-min interview on being childless in the workplace

MACLEANS MAGAZINE (CANADA): MARCH 2014 ‘The n0-baby boom” by Anne Kingston

THE GUARDIAN, 15th JANUARY 2014 Suzanne Moore: ‘Having or not having children should not define or divide women‘

PROSPECT MAGAZINE (UK) 14th JANUARY 2014 Serena Kutchinsky interviews Jody Day ‘I’m childless, single, middle-aged and infertile, and it’s fine’

PSYCHOLOGIES MAGAZINE (FEB 2014 issue) Bibi Lynch on ‘Writing the Next Chapter’
THE ROAD LESS TRAVELLED – 3rd JANUARY 2014 Review of Jody’s book ‘Rocking the Life Unexpected’

BBC R4 WOMAN’S HOUR – 24th DECEMBER 2013 Jody interviewed by Jane Garvey on “Childlessness at Christmas”

Q with JIAN GHOMESHI – CBC RADIO – CANADA – 19th DECEMBER 2013 Jian Ghomeshi interviews Jody Day on “Christmas can be tough for the childless by circumstance”

LIFE WITHOUT BABY – 16th DECEMBER 2013 Video Interview: A Cup of Tea with Jody Day

THE GUARDIAN – 13th DECEMBER 2013 Childlessness is a political, as well as deeply personal, issue. By Jody Day

FEMINIST TIMES – 28th NOVEMBER 2013 Zaha Hadid or Ann Widdecombe: What’s Your Ideas of the Childless Spinster?
BBC ACTION LINE – 8th NOVEMBER 2013 Gateway Women selected as a resource for the BBC Action Line to support viewers and listeners to the BBC on issues that might affect them.
BBC 100 WOMEN CONFERENCE – 25th OCTOBER 2013 Jody Day selected as one of 100 women chosen to represent women’s voices today
BBC 100 WOMEN CONFERENCE – 25th OCTOBER 2013 Is Motherhood a Barrier to Equality? Live Panel Discussion
BBC WORLD SERVICE ‘OUTLOOK’ Jody Day on her experience of childlessness and why adoption isn’t as simple as people often presume Tuesday 22nd October

BBC RADIO 4 ‘WOMAN’S HOUR’ – JODY DAY INTERVIEWED BY JANE GARVEY “Jody Day on the Grief of Childlessness” Tuesday 1st October 2013

JODY DAY’S BOOK ROCKS THE CHILDLESS LIFE Childless by Marriage (Sue Fagalde Lick) review of ‘Rocking the Life Unexpected’ by Jody Day – 1st October 2013
The Road Less Travelled – 7 September 2013
“Interviewing Jody Day was one of the most moving and heartening interviews says Josephine Pembroke. She is brave, funny, honest and compassionate. After years of wanting a baby Jody had a breakthrough moment. She had to be honest with herself and face the fact that motherhood will never happen to her…”
Radio Gorgeous (London) – September 2013

BBC Radio Wales (UK) – 22nd August 2013

CHILDLESS WOMEN FIGHTING FOR BETTER RIGHTS Jody Day on ‘Sunrise’ Breakfast TV (Australia) – 19th August 2013

WHAT IS THE ‘CULT OF MOTHERHOOD’? Jody Day interviewed on Deise AM (WLR FM Ireland) – 6th August 2013 (Starts at 10mins 42 seconds)

Jody Day in discussion with Rosie Millard on BBC R5 LIVE Breakfast Show – 4th August 2013

Helen Gent interviews Gateway Women Community member – The Guardian, 9th March 2013 BEING CHILDLESS BY CIRCUMSTANCE ON MOTHER’S DAY
JODY DAY ON ‘SOCIAL INFERTILITY’ Maybe No Baby by Katherine Baldwin in The Sunday Times 24th February, 2013
JODY DAY TALKING CHILDFREE & MORE ON DREAM CORNER La Vie Childfree by Laura Carroll 2 November, 2012

WHEN CHILDLESS MET CHILDFREE Jody Day interviewed on Dream Corner Radio by Viv Oyolu 31 October, 2012

THE GUARDIAN ‘COMMENT IS FREE’ Julia Gillard and the fear of the childless woman, by Jody Day 26 October, 2012

THE DAILY MAIL It’s NOT my fault that I missed the chance to become a mother by Megan Lloyd Davies 20 September, 2012

HUFFINGTON POST (Death by Cupcake: The Fetishization of Motherhood by Jody Day 3 September, 2012 UK)

SELINI INSTITUTE (US) Turning Our Wounds into Wisdom by Jody Day 28 August, 2012

CONFUSED.COM REPORT Friendships, Finance and the Future: The Rise of Singledom in the UK June 2012

SUNDAY TIMES STYLE MAGAZINE Kids: Who Needs Them? We NoMos – Not Mothers – Are Out and We are Proud, and We’re Busy Making Our Own Friends and Support Networks by Sally Howard 6 May, 2012
THE HUFFINGTON POST (UK) Surviving the Childless Weekend Blues by Jody Day 5 April, 2012

BLOG MENTION: LIFE WITHOUT BABY Lisa Manterfield chooses Gateway Women as one of the top 7 blogs in the world for childless / childfree women 19 March, 2012

GULF NEWS Childless, but not Alone by Jody Day 3 March, 2012

THE GUARDIAN “FAMILY” SECTION: I may not be a mother – but I’m still a person. Interview with Jody Day by Helen Carroll 25 February, 2012
DAILY MAIL Baby Goggles Syndrome by Katherine Baldwin 29 December, 2011

FACEBOOK GROUP MENTION Families of Two: Childfree & Beyond (Laura Carroll) 3 October, 2011
From Forty With Love (London, UK) 15 September, 2011

Maman Non Merci! (Quebec, Candada) Translation by Google 26 July 2011

From Forty With Love (Katherine Baldwin) ‘Strength in Weakness’ 8 July 2011

INTERVIEW: Jody Day | 26 April 2011

BLOG: Just As I am Experiment 14 April 2011

Women Social Innovators watch 7 April 2011